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As a native of Czech Republic, I was born in Prague, the city occupied by the memories of Rudolf II, Arcimboldo, Kafka, and many others who left there their indelible marks.

My painting hovers somewhere between surrealism and fantastic, mixing a bit of strange with a pinch of magic magic.

I like to think that, in a previous life, I was living in this city, and I was in charge of Rudolf II’s fabulous collection in which you could find, for example, astrological tools, recipes to produce gold, the mythical philosopher's stone, impenetrable manuscripts full of VITRIOL formula.

There were also some strange beasts that I still particularly appreciate.

Inspiration comes to me fairly easily. I feel as if ideas were stored in a large spiritual library, with aan endless number of  books and subjects.

I just need to take a stroll in my library, stretch out my hand, and let the composition of my painting appear before me, both magically and very naturally.

My art includes erotic subjects, sensuality, poetry and sometimes an anecdote or even black humor.

At first, I build the painting in my head and then I "just" have to produce it. This production  is the longest part as I am using a rather complex classical technique, not represented in the present official art. This technique is the result of a long learning process transmitted by the old masters who  were practicing technical virtuosity.

What is the most important to me is to offer paintings in front of which the spectator will take time to sit down, to enter in harmony with the painting, and then have his own walk, as an awaken dream, giving him, even for a short time, a rare and unusual feeling.

© Karel Steiner

Imaginer, choquer, délirer, initier,

être, montrer, réussir...​

Lukáš Kándl vous fait part de ses réflexions.

Only in French, sorry.

" My dream : that supernatural, strange,  sublime and magic, would take more and more space in our lives and  that beauty and spirituality would become a  life's belief. "

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