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Current and future years exhibitions



​•  VIECHTACH (D) -  Libellule - LA FONTAINE - Altes Rathaus - October 8, 2022 - April 12 

•  CHEVREUSE (F) - Musée Grataloup - Solo show - October 15 - March 26

•  MAISSE (F) -  47th show Art & Matière - Cultural Center Robert Dumas - January 28 - February 5 

•  LUSIGNY SUR BARSE (F) - Appac-Art-ô-Present - La Grange - March 25 - April 2

•  POMPONNE (F) - 1st Pomponne show - Cercle des Artistes Européens - Guest of honour - April 29 - May 7 

•  BÜDELSDORF (D) - Nordart Contemporary Art International Show - June 3 - October 8 

•  VITTEL (F) - 3rd Biennial - Palais des Congrès - July 8 - 23 

•  SAINT LEONARD DE NOBLAT (F) -  September 9 - October 1st

•  VINCENNES (F) - 62th salon de la ville de Vincennes - Guest of honour - October 12 - 21

•  SAINT-EMILION (F) - Galerie du passage de la Cadène - permanently 



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